
Barcelona’s Bold Move to Close City Center to Cruise Ships: A Step in the Right Direction?

Cruise Ships


Barcelona, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, has taken a bold step to reduce pollution and over-tourism by closing its city center to cruise ships. The new policy, which went into effect on October 22, 2023, will reroute cruise ships to a port located further away from the city center.

The decision to close the city center to cruise ships was met with mixed reactions from the tourism industry. Some businesses expressed concerns that the new policy would have a negative impact on tourism in Barcelona. However, city officials and environmental groups defended the policy, arguing that it was necessary to protect the city’s residents and environment.

Why is Barcelona closing its city center to cruise ships?

There are a number of reasons why Barcelona has decided to close its city center to cruise ships. One of the main reasons is to reduce pollution. Cruise ships are a major source of air and water pollution. When cruise ships dock in the city center, they release emissions that can pollute the air and water, and can also contribute to climate change.

Another reason for closing the city center to cruise ships is to reduce over tourism. Over the past few years, Barcelona has experienced a surge in tourism, which has put a strain on the city’s infrastructure and resources. Cruise ships, in particular, have been blamed for contributing to over tourism. Cruise ships can bring thousands of tourists to the city in a single day, which can overwhelm public transportation and lead to overcrowding in popular tourist areas.

What does the new policy mean for cruise ships passengers?

Under the new policy, cruise ships will no longer be allowed to dock at the city center ports of Muelle Barcelona Norte and World Trade Centre. Instead, cruise ships will be required to dock at the Moll d’Adossat pier, which is located further away from the city center.

For cruise ship passengers, this means that they will need to take a shuttle bus to get to the city center. The shuttle bus ride takes approximately 30 minutes. Cruise ship passengers can also take a taxi or private car to the city center, but this will be more expensive.

Cruise ships

What are the potential impacts of the new policy of cruise ships?

The new policy is likely to have a number of impacts on Barcelona. On the one hand, the policy is expected to reduce pollution and over tourism in the city center. This is good news for residents and visitors alike.

On the other hand, the new policy is likely to have a negative impact on some businesses in the city center. Businesses that rely on cruise ship passengers, such as souvenir shops and restaurants, are likely to see a decrease in revenue.

Overall, the new policy is likely to have a positive impact on Barcelona. The policy will help to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike. The policy will also help to protect the city’s environment.

How can tourists still enjoy Barcelona without taking a cruise ships?

There are a number of ways for tourists to enjoy Barcelona without taking a cruise ship. One way is to fly into Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN), which is located just a short distance from the city center. Another way to get to Barcelona is to take a train from another city in Spain or Europe.

Once in Barcelona, tourists can get around the city using public transportation, such as the metro and buses. Taxis and private cars are also available, but these options are more expensive.

Barcelona has a lot to offer tourists, including world-famous landmarks such as the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, and Casa Milà. The city also has a number of museums, art galleries, and historical sites. Tourists can also enjoy Barcelona’s beaches, restaurants, and nightlife.


Barcelona’s decision to close its city center to cruise ships is a bold step that is likely to have a number of impacts on the city. The policy is expected to reduce pollution and over tourism in the city center, but it is also likely to have a negative impact on some businesses. Overall, the policy is likely to have a positive impact on Barcelona, as it will help to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

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